We will release our full User Guide and FAQ for WIFI Control for Cameras soon, stay tuned.
Category Archives: Mac
Shutter Count for Camera Version 2.0 for Mac
(This App has been merged to our new WIFI Control for Cameras asin-app product )
Our new demo video on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRL04FNUKhM
Easily check your camera shutter count to know whether newly purchased camera is really new, or check how heavily used a pre-owned camera.
The App will also show Serial Number for Nikon/Fuji/Pentax Camera, Internal Serial Number for Sony Camera, Lens Serial Number for Fuji Camera.
Just open or drag drop photo file (JPEG or RAW) from your Camera to the App. Note: Photo must come from camera (SDCard) directly, other App imported photo may remove necessary data and can’t be used to show shutter count.
Most of canon cameras need USB connection to read shutter count, the photo read method will not work, please connect your camera with USB connection first then use the App to get shutter count.
Example usage, Canon 6D: use USB cable connect your camera to Mac, turn off your camera and start the App, turn on your camera and click on ‘Canon EOS’ button in the App (or click again after 1~3 seconds). This procedure ensure the App get the USB connection first, just in case other App use the USB connection before our App.
Photo EXIF Viewer for Mac V2.0
Photo EXIF Viewer help you view your photo’s EXIF information, if you are a photographer or DSLR/Camera user, you can use this App to view your photo’s EXIF information.
You can use the App to open file or folder, the App will load all photos when you open a folder, left panel will show the quick filter option include ISO/Focal Length/Aperture/Shutter Speed/Width/Height, you can click on them to filter photos by that criteria. Above right panel, there have a dropdown box allow you change scan photo folder depth, be careful of this option, the App will take much time to load if there are too much photo to load.
On the right you can view photo thumbnails, you can use the above slider to change photo size, there’s another dropdown box allow you change slideshow delays.

You can click on thumbnail photo to view full photo in a separate window , or open a single photo file will also show this window. You can view some pre-defined color filter style on left panel, click on them will show the effect in main panel, you can save the filter photo by click on toolbar save button.
On right panel you can see all EXIF detail information, to safely share you photo with others or to internet, you can use the Clear EXIF toolbar button to clear the photo EXIF data.
Photo EXIF Viewer V2.0 Available in Mac App Store
Update: This App will merge to our new WIFI Control for Cameras as in-app product
Access Database Manager for Mac – Screen User Guide
Access Database Manager for Mac
User Guide: Access Database Manager.pdf
Main UI: