Camera or Speaker/AV Receiver manufacture always add new feature or improve device capability through firmware. Our App always works best with latest firmware, so please upgrade your firmware if you encounter bugs or compatibility issues.
Camera firmware upgrade benefits with our App includes: faster WIFI photo/video download speed, smoother live view video and real time settings. Some camera may add support RAW file download through firmware if they didn’t support right now.
Speaker or AV Receiver firmware upgrade benefits includes: more stable audio streaming, speed up control response, possible more file format supports and feature capability fixes.

We have add support for local network connection in the new version, now you don’t need switch wifi to your camera, just connect your Lumix camera to local network, then start the App, the App will automatically find your camera, or click the Refresh button if you start the App already.
Mac version will add this feature in next few weeks if every thing went smooth.
You can find demo video for Mac version here (PC version step is similar, we will add demo for PC version soon) :

We have new demo video for windows 10 version ‘Wireless Tether for Olympus‘ in our YouTube Channel:
You can also find Mac version ‘WIFI Control For Olympus‘ demo here:
Olympus just released firmware 3.0 for EM1 Mark II, please upgrade to have better experience with the App.
Please send us email if you have any question, we are glad to help.
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